This Mother Garden Ice Cream Display Stand is one-of-a-kind fun for the whole family. The safe, colorful ice cream and fruit are the perfect size and weight for little hands to hold and pass out to friends and family.
The Ice Cream Display Stand is sturdy and painted with safe, non-toxic paint, along with all the wooden fruit and ice cream. The three-tiered wooden stand holds all the ice cream cones and cold treats for easy storage.
This Ice Cream Display Stand is the ideal complement to the Ice Cream Parlor and Ice Cream Shop that are available from Mother Garden toys. These educational role-play toys give your kids the opportunity to act out and imitate the people they see in the “real world,” developing their life skills and language skills.
Pretend toys like the Ice Cream Display Stand also teaches math skills that your kids can use everday and as they grow into school age. Sorting and arranging the ice cream and fruit treats into the stand teaches shape recognition, size concepts and fraction skills. The imagination and creativity your children use during role-play games enhances brain development for better memory and problem solving.